C (154/254)

From:Daithi O'Cuinn
Date:28 Apr 00 at 11:50:44
Subject:Re: Storm Docs

Hello Colin

On 28-Apr-00, Colin Wenzel wrote:

>>> Could someone please tell me the path to where the
>>> the full manuals can be found.. ??
>> After careful checking of my CD, I think they are in
>> NIL:StormC/Manuals
>> Me happy that I found SAS/C 6.0
> Is that on the CD too ??, is so, where ??


> Well that takes the cake, I guess you have to be a
> mind reader to figure out how to use it... (:/

Oh come on, it's hardly rocket science ;)
Just load in a few of the example projects, you'll soon get the hang of it.

> After $100+ dollars worth, I EXPECTED to be at least able
> to use the damn thing... Silly me...

$100?! I don't know how much that is mind, it just seems high! ;)

> In the mean time, does anyone know what to do with these
> GUI thingy-whatsit's, there is a mess of buttons & things everywhere ??
> There is a "StormCPP" & a "StormLibrarian" visable from WB.

Just start StormCPP and a little tool bar will come up. When you pass the
mouse over it, it will tell you what each button is for. Pick "load project
from disk" then load in one of the examples. The dice icon Makes the project,
the running man runs it, and the little bug starts the debugger. If you've
ever used as IDE before this should all seem quite straightforward - you can
set breakpoints by checking the little boxes beside each source line, look at
variables by opening the variable window (done via the Windows menu), or see
a source disassembly.

To start your own project, just pick "New Project" then "Add files" and pick
all relevant .c and .h files in the ASL requester.

> Does someone know what the compiler CMD line options are
> or know where I can find this info.... (besides H&P)

Frankly, I don't think you're supposed to use it with the CLI at all. You
really are old school, aren't you? ;)


Daithi O'Cuinn

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